Sunday, November 30, 2008


Woke up this morning to it snowing out. Helps make it feel more like the holiday season. Yesterday I finished another tam for my daughter, my grandson is modeling it for me. Also, took a oic of him outside this morning.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Finally finished the tam for my daughter. Took me all day, ripped it 3 times and had some extra help getting it done, view earlier blog

Extra help today, lol

My grandson <15mnths> helping me crochet a tam for his aunt Jessica. Jessica if the is extra in the tam, say a cracker well it's a snack.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well, just another day

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hey, almost Thanksgiving and ready to eat. Mmmmmm, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, turkey and oh now I am hungry, lol. Good thing taco bell is still open. Anywho, some new pics of my snowflake aghan.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just another day at home, crocheting, being sick thanks to the weather here. Snowing today but not sticking yet on the yard or road. Here is a couple pics of items I just finished up. The tank top is modeled by my relucant daughter Teresa and the other is a scave I just finished up for the special olympics using a bubble stitch.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

another day

Hey, another day gone by. Got the weekend off at work and that is cool. But, it has rained/snow all day, yucky. So, my mom, grandson and I went to the oddfellows annual pancake and sausage meal for lunch today, then went shopping at Wal-Mart. Bought some new clothes and yarn for another blanket. This will be a baby blanket for a friend on crochetville. Right now, I am texting my oldest daughter while she is at work.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Today was a very nice fall day. My mom, daughter, and grandson went with me to Nashville, In today for some Christmas shopping. The town was packed, but we had a great time window shopping. I really didn't find anything for a chritmas gift. After lunch, we did some more shopping in Bloomington, and in New Castle.

Here is pic of my work in progress on the snowflake aghan I am now making. This is a really easy, but unique square. I love it already.